Sunday, September 7, 2008

wonders of the mind

I am amazed at the inner strength that people have. Some people are so amazing at overcoming adversity. There are some blogs that my wife follows that are inspiring yet sadding in a human way. What I mean it is sad when think about thing in the human present moment of experiences in life. However, it is nothing compared to the life time that we will spend with Heavenly Father.
I have a blog where a mother who had lost a child had a dream about her child on a beach and along with two other children as she got closer the children were laughing and then disappeared. When she got to where they had been she saw their names written in the sand. One of those names was that of the child that she had lost. She started a blog to recognized those children whom had grown their wings and went to live forever with God. She goes a beautiful beach and writes their names in the sand and then sends it to the parents whom submitted the name. It is an awesome thing she is doing. the blog is called to write their names in the sand
Also there is another blog that my wife follows, I guess I am becoming a follower of blogs rather than a blogger. Anyway, this blog is called Noah Steven crowned prince. this lady is amazing in her writing and inspiration that she gives.
Then there is my wife's blog which is great. She puts herself and thoughts out there on her two different blogs. I love to read her writings and see her thoughts on some life issues as well as she reports on the family happenings.

With all of that said, I have to wonder, well, really not in a way. I know where they get their inner strength to keep going despite the pain that they have. I would have to say that this would have to be an awful torment for those who do not have Jesus in their live with that personal relationship with Him.
Those who have lost a child for whatever reason, wow, all I can say is that I pray that I will never have to experience this. To those whom have lost a child and are able to help others with their healing are truely amazing.

Then I have to think of all of the people whom have had an addiction problem and have overcome it. I have met some truely amazing people who have so far beaten their addiction and now are on the way to help others whom have battling with the devil to get them out of the the addiction world. Some of the peopel whom I know who have faced the lonliness of being in a world where their only friends were the substance that they were shootingup, ingesting, snorting, or smoking. Oh lets not forget their friend the dealer, this all they have and experience on a daily basis. The childern of addicts are often neglected and hurt in this process, not always physically, but mentally too.
Once these people are free of the bonds that hold them, which is not an easy process, they are very greatful to be alive, and have so many regrets on so many differnt levels. There is one lady whom I know who went to all the people that she use to use with and tell that it was not ok to use around the childern. Even though when they were in their addiction they had irrational thinking and used aroud their children and her own childern. I have to admire a person to take on that to go to everyone whom they used with and told them that it was not ok to do that.

As I think about all of these people whom have go through these trying times in their lives, how much God has worked in their lives as well to heal from the spiritual inside to the outward attitude and appearance.


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