Saturday, August 30, 2008


What an adventure and blessing blogging is. Since my wife starting getting to blogging and following differnt blogs, Ihave gained an interst in the lives of the bloggers.
There are some truly amazing people in this world, especially the blogging world. There are stories of joy, happiness, and unfortunately sadness, which is still a part of life. I am amazed sometimes at how many people will follow another blog just after finding it through another blog.
However, when something good comes out of sharing lives there are those cynical people who have to ruin the joy and uplifiting comments that people leave.
I wish that those whom leave the negative comments could walk a day, week, months or even years in there shoes.
People are so negative for one reason or another, I know that there are a lot of scammers, but there are those who are true and genuine. People read the whole story not just a snippet.

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